Friday, February 12, 2016

This Week in the Library: February 8 - 12

President's weekend is coming up.  Remember if you have library on Monday or Tuesday, your books will be due the following week.  Due to the half-day schedule, Friday classes did not come to the library (their books will be due next week, 2/19).  Here's what we did in the other classes:

In many primary classes we are trying out potential books for the 2017 WCCPBA nominee list.  I'm reading them and so are some of the primary teachers.

Kindergarten (Cook): We read "The Bear Ate Your Sandwich" by Julia Sarcone-Roach. We talked about how to find the title and author on the covers of books.

Kindergarten (Morehouse): We read ""Friendshapes" by Amy Rosenthal and "Dad's First Day" by Mike Wohnoutka. We talked about how to find the title and author on the covers of books.

Kindergarten (Widener-AM): We read "I Yam A Donkey, " a fun book about using proper English by Cece Bell. We talked about how to find the title and author on the covers of books.

 Kindergarten (Widener-PM): We read "Elephants Can't Jump" by Jeanne Willis. We talked about how to find the title and author on the covers of books.

1st Grade (Bonnell): We read "Dilly Dally Daisy" by Mark Fearing.

1st Grade (Gordon): We read Audrey Wood's "The Full Moon at the Napping House." We noticed that this was a cumulative tale, where each page added onto the previous page.

1st Grade (Hirst): We read "In Mary's Garden" by Tina and Carson Kugler.

2nd Grade (Goodsky): We read "The Bear Ate Your Sandwich" by Julia Sarcone-Roach.

2nd Grade (Gregerson): We began our discussion about magazine and our magazine section.  We learned about title, topic, and audience.  We also learned how they are organized in our library.

2nd Grade (Rempel): We read "Evermore Dragon" by Barbara Joose.

3nd Grade (Keating): We read "Drum Dream Girl" by Margarita Engle.  This book was a poem based on the life of Millo Castro Zaldarriaga who broke Cuba's traditional ban against female drummers in the 1930s.  Vocabulary: Bongo, Conga, Timbales <Book Trailer - YouTube>

3rd Grade (Pawling): We read "Friendshape" by Amy Roselthal and "I Don't Want to be a Frog" by Dev Petty.  <Frog Finger Puppets> <jumping frog origami>

4th Grade (Mindt): We read "Leo the Ghost" by Mac Barnett

5th Grade (Alderson): We continued our unit on fact and opinion.  Groups had to determine if statements were facts or opinions and then justify their reasoning by listing sources that could prove/disprove the fact or find the word that could be argued in an opinion.  We will share out next week.

6th Grade (Combined Group, Bogert):  We began/continued a project on comparing library catalogs.  Students will search for common books in school, public, and university libraries.  We will be gaining experiences with different user interfaces and will be comparing the catalogs and call numbers.

Professional:  Reviewed more books for Puget Sound Council. All of these titles will be added to our collection.  Continued reading "Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American" by Stephen Ambrose. Began reading the suggested titles for the 2017 WCCPBA list and began reading them (there are over 145 suggested titles).  Attended the district Building Test Coordinator training to learn about this year's Smarter Balanced Assessment.  Met with our principal and other to begin planning for the administration of the test in May.  Sorted out the delay in the Donor's Choose grant equipment (it should arrive next week!).   Added the dates for the Battle of the Best Books to the school calendar (see previous post).  Attended staff training on Friday afternoon regarding the new writing program.

Other Information:

Don't forget! The Edmonds Public Library, part of the Sno-Isle Libraries system, is offering homework help on Wednesdays from 4-5pm.  Stop by for FREE homework assistance for students in grades K-8.  A teen homework volunteer will be waiting to help you in the teen section of the library.


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