Friday, February 19, 2016

This Week in the Library: February 17-19

A very short week, but many things happened in the library.  Our Snap Circuits arrived from our Donor's Choose grant.  We will begin using them during MakerSpace time next week.  If you did not have library this week, your books are due next week. Here's what we did in classes:

Kindergarten (Cook only): We listened to "I Don't Like Snakes" by Nicola Davies.  Students learned a lot about snakes from this book.  Vocabulary words: slither, slimy, poison.

Grade 1 (Hirst only): We heard "Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast" by Josh Funk.  The two breakfast food battled their way through the refrigerator to get the last drop of syrup!  Vocabulary words: linguine, reemerged. LINK:  Author's Activity Packet for this Book.

Grade 2 (Goodsky): We heard our last Washington Children's Choice (WCCPBA) book, "Lifesize Ocean" by Anita Ganeri.  We learned a lot about sea creatures.  Special attention was placed on the table of contents and how we can use this tool to find information.  Vocabulary words: contents, camouflage, venomous, ferocious.  LINK: National Geographic World Oceans Day

Grade 2 (Rempel):  We listened to "Grandma in Blue with Red Hat" by Scott Menchin.  The boy creates his own art exhibition using art work depicting his grandmother.  Vocabulary words: curator, exhibition.

Grade 3 (Pawling): We were introduced to the "Best Book I Ever Read" poster contest sponsored by the Edmonds Arts Commission for Children's Book Week.  We began to think of a book that we could use to create a poster.

Grade 3 (Liker): We heard our last Washington Children's Choice (WCCPBA) book, "This is a Moose" by Richard Morris. This was a hilarious book where animals are creating a movie about a moose.  Vocabulary words: take, cut, director, glossary.

Grade 4: We began learning what it takes to become a digital citizen.  We brainstormed online and offline communities we belong to and why we need expectations.

Grade 5: We continued our work on determining fact and opinion.  Groups worked to decide if a statement was a fact or and opinion.  If it was a fact, they brainstormed potential resources that could prove/disprove it.  If it was an opinion, they worked to find the word that could be argued.

Grade 6: We continued to work on our comparing library catalogs project.  Although there were 15 pre-selected catalogs, some students went to other catalogs (colleges they were interested in) to complete a part of their chart.

Professional: I received our Donor's Choose materials and prepared next week's MakerSpace launch, checked in the school's Scholastic News issues, helped with various technology issues, read more books for the upcoming state WCCPBA meeting, reviewed books for Puget Sound Council, cataloged new book (donated from PSC), and more.  I continued reading "Undaunted Courage" and finished reading "It Happened in Washington" by James Crutchfield.  I also met with the principal to finalize and submit our SBA testing schedule to the district.

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