Friday, January 16, 2015

This Week in the Library: January 12-16

There were a lot of great discussions in the library this week.  From basketball to world events to arguing opinions, the library was a place to share ideas.  Here's what went on during classes:

Primary (K-3):  We heard the book "Hoop Genius" by John Coy.  This book tells the true story of how basketball was invented in 1891 and is on our Washington Children's Choice List.  Students learn about the vocabulary words rowdy, lacrosse, foul, and halt.  We thought about why this game was invented and how it became so popular.  Links: Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame , Naismith Birthplace ,

4th Grade:  Added thousandths to our number ordering practice. We reviewed the names of the other place values.

5th Grade:  Continued our work on fact and opinion.  Emphasis was placed on thinking about potential sources of information that could be used to prove or disprove a statement of fact.  Students worked together in table groups to discuss a fact and an opinion.

6th Grade:  We completed work on our personal timelines by adding a couple of world/US events.  Student groups used to find an event that occurred during their lives or just before they were born.  The events were added to their timelines.

Professional:  Attended the staff meeting on Wednesday.  Covered as a substitute in classrooms on Tuesday due to substitute unavailability.  Checked in 45 Chromebooks (added battery, charged them, labeled them for classrooms).  They will be going to 5th & 6th grade classrooms soon.  Reviewed several books for Puget Sound Council.  Began Reading "Yardsticks: Children in the Classroom Ages 4-14" by Chip Wood.  Read student responses to Best Books submitted online.

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